Symbol Archive is an ongoing self-directed project of learning through collaboration and event. Collaborators are invited to work with Sovay to produce an event that will enable new research and/or learning for all involved. Content and projects include Ghosts, Landscape, Literature: A Walk with Dr Shelley Trower, an academic paper delivered as a participatory walk on moorland near Haworth, Yorkshire, the walk was devised with local walking groups; Study a re-presentation of pieces from Royal Cornwall Museum's stores, selected in collaboration with the museum’s curators, building an alternative narrative and taxonomy for the collection; Readings, a series of readings in different locations including The Waste Land in the ruins of WW2 radar buildings on The Lizard Peninsular and News from Nowhere read over four weeks at a co-operative vegan café in Bristol; Visual Language with SpaceX & Engagement Network SouthWest, which worked with educational researchers at Universities of Plymouth and Exeter to set a series or tasks for invited contributors to work collaboratively; Back to Back, all the films of Fred Astaire & Ginger Rodgers presented over night at Picture This, Bristol; Journey to the Centre of the Earth, a group exhibition of work made in response to the film of the same name; and most recently Molluscs Hunt Wizards.


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